Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Another day, almost a dollar

Being a grown up is so depressing. I've changed my mind. I wanna go back to being 8. It's frustrating enjoying your job and barely making minimum wage. Especially when you consider that I'm a vet tech for crying out loud!!! I could understand if I was flipping burgers or washing dishes, but gimme a break!!!

Then there's Tony. The guy who doesn't complain about ANYTHING!!! He came into this relationship financially secure and comfortable. Now, he's paying outrageous daycare fees, mortgage payments and cooking dinner every nite for all the kids. How he puts up with us is beyond me. I would've dumped me a long time ago!!

I can't stand being tired after working all day. Who am I to complain about being tired after he's busted his ass all day then come home to be Mr Mom. By the time I get home, dinner is usually on the table or damn close, homework is done and the kids chores are 90% done. I need a little bit of time to wind down from working 10 hour days and driving in our insane traffic, but I feel guilty when Tony puts Joey in the bath and in bed every nite. I've apologized to Tony countless times and his answer is always the same..."It's all right." Everything is always "all right" no matter what.

Ya know, I sat down and figured out that since we only pay daycare cause I work, that after the fees and gas to get to work, I bring home less than half of Tony's weekly pay every MONTH!!! Sometimes I wonder why I bother. But then I realize that the measly amount that I do bring home helps out and I enjoy what I do.

Life can be so frustrating. Can I be 8 again? Just for a little while? Please.


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