Sunday, February 20, 2005

Kim is at it again

Well folks, here we go again....wait, that's my favorite tune! Anyway, I screwed up my last blog thinking I could edit the HTML. Actually, I STARTED editing my HTML, got tired, went to bed and by the time I got back to it, I forgot what I had done and I said to heck with it. Besides, it was old pics n stuff anyway. Time for the new shit.

Note to time you want to edit your HTML, START EARLY!!!

Okay, so where are we now? What are we up to? What's the latest scoop?

Well lemme see...Tony is Tony. Still the same incredible, patient, loving, awesome guy I met over a year ago. And in this case, not changing is a good thing. The only thing that HAS changed about Tony is his love for me and the kids...there's more of it!!!

Kayleigh is doing terrific in school...I'm so proud of her! She was approached by her teachers to be a part of a select group of above average students in her grade level to be in a "gifted" type curriculuum. She has done VERY well in this situation...A/B honor roll since she got involved. She's turning into a very lovable, humorous and intelligent young lady. Good thing we have a baseball bat nearby, we're going to need it to beat away the lil boys!

Savannah is also doing well. Her grades are always very good and despite the fact that she tends to act up in class sometimes, she's still one of the top students in her class. She's very intelligent and quite witty when she wants to be. Having a sister 6 1/2 years older than her has allowed her to grow up and be more self sufficient than Kayleigh was at this age. She's still my little cutie baby, blonde hair, blue eyed sweetie with a heart of gold.

Joey - well, there's a post all on it's own! The kid's a riot, he just doesn't know it. He is your typical, all american lil boy! Loves his "mogycles" (motorcycles), Blue's Clues, football and trucks. If ya let him outside, you'll have to hog tie him to get him back in! For such a busy little boy, he's very loving if you can get him to sit still for a minute. He'll stop and take a moment to hug and kiss a kitty or one of the dogs. His most favorite people in the whole wide world are Daddy and Ma. I'm not sure where I rate sometimes, guess it depends if Daddy or Ma are around. But he's still my little man and he knows where to go to get a good hug.

Then there's Always so much going on it seems. I now work for a vet in Mandarin and even though I'm the head peon, I LOVE what I do. Well, scrubbin' dog butts isn't exactly my favorite part, but I like being there and working there. I like the atmosphere and the people I work with and that always helps. The pay sucks, but at least I get some...could be worse, I suppose. This is a whole new world for me and I love being a part of it. The people I work with don't think I'm weird for enjoying watching surgery for the fun of it, or cleaning up nasty infections and all that gross stuff. My family and friends do, but that's nothing new. They just tell me to shut up cuz they don't want to hear about all of it, at least not that part.

But there's the short intro for now, I'm actually surprised that it's 3am already and I swear it was just midnight a minute ago. Since it's not shortly after midnight as I expected, I'm heading off for la-la land in a bit.

Come back soon, I'm sure I'll find the time to add more, including pics. Maybe even some really cool gross shit!!!